Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Jerusalem Post – By Barry Davis

January 23rd, 2012

…“Tuesday’s Nogea Bemah She’enenu (Touching the non-Existent) concert at Beit Avi Chai in Jerusalem was something of a magical mystery tour. The show was based on works by Jerusalemite poetess Rivka Miriam, chosen by cellistcomposer- arranger Rali Margalit and director-actor-rabbi-vocalist Baruch Brenner. The two were ably supported by flutist-clarinetist Yaakov Miron, bassist Ora Boasson- Horev and percussionist Yoni Sharon.
Brenner set the scene by explaining that the works would be performed in two parts – the first half comprising seven poems from Miriam’s book Baal Haness VeOd Ovrei Orach (Baal Haness and Other Passers By) and the second a selection of animalthemed poems, albeit with a striking alternative subtext, from the Ayalah (Doe) collection.” 

09/07/2011 21:11

The Jerusalem Post

Ran Melamed – Time Out, Jerusalem

January 23rd, 2012

…”Rali – Margalit Cellist is definitely one of the most talented creators in Israel.
Don’t miss out on Rali Margalit, she is truly something special…”

Ran Melamed – TIME OUT Jerusalem

Gil Rubio – Fm 106, Kol Hakampus

July 25th, 2011

Go to project page

…“The album Soosim is a journey that captures the ear and the heart at each listening, challenging, but delicate and also very accessible…”